Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Good Dem, Bad Dem

So Politico posted a piece on Sunday, claiming that President Obama's 2010 priority is getting Deval Patrick re-elected as governor of Massachusetts.    To which I say, are you out of your God Damned Mind?!

Deval Patrick is political fucking napalm - and not in the ass-to-mouth-loving, Jessica Simpson way.   This is a guy who fucked over the unions that got him elected, raised the state sales tax, built his entire campaign on legalizing casinos (which failed miserably), and just cost a major provider of jobs in the state $100M when employment is already on shaky ground as it is.

This guy embodies  reason that Scott Brown got elected to the Senate in January; people are sick of tax-and-spend-achusetts and Deval represents the very foundation of that angst.   As I've said before in this space, while Obama's voting record as a Senator may have been to the left, his governing as president has been very much centered.   This is what makes him a desirable political figure in today's age of hyper-partisanship and hate-fueled rhetoric.    Aligning himself with a guy who's liberalism would make Gore Vidal blush can't possibly be a political home run.   He shouldn't have to disown the guy, but he should at least watch from a safe distance.

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