Monday, April 5, 2010

Apache Gunner Video

So this video, decrypted and released by the WikiLeaks, of an American Apache helicopter providing air support for ground troops in a suburb of Baghdad, is disturbing on a few fronts.   For one, yes, there were innocent people killed.  For another, there was clearly a tinge of overzealous behavior, coupled with some poor communication between the pilots, gunners and ground soldiers.

Should the servicemen involved catch shit for what they did?   Of course not.  It might be a bruise on the cheek of the US Military PR but at the end of the day this is a guerrilla war going on.   If two reporters are going to walk around with armed men - and other men are going to bring their children on the rescue mission - collateral damage will happen.   It doesn't make it right but until the Iraqi military can handle its gun-toting civilians and we can get the hell out of there, this shit will happen.

Vid below the jump.

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