Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Brown > Palin

A lot has been made the last few days over Scott Brown's decision to forgo Sarah Palin's Tea Party rally on Boston Common on Wednesday.  While I try not to read too much into decisions like this - Brown's explanation was that he's busy, you know, doing Senator stuff - you have to admire the guy for leaving the loonies to themselves.  Of course, the Palin Teabag machine had to spin it as if they weren't pissed about it:
“It’s not about paying favors back,” said Mark Williams, chairman of the Tea Party Express, which organized the rally and invited Brown.   “I’d happily forgo (having him) if he’s truly doing the job of the people.  He has half a century of Kennedy damage to compensate for, after all.”
Of course, this isn't the first time Brown pulled the ol' 'I'm going this way; which way are you going?" routine. 
Barbara Klain, head of the Greater Lowell Tea Party, said Brown also turned down an invite to speak at their April 15 rally in downtown Lowell.    “He said he was going to be in Washington,” Klain said. “He needs to be doing his job.”
And of course we know that Brown somehow forgot that Caribou Barbie herself called to congratulate him after his special election win.  Pretty shrewd if you ask me. 

You've gotta commend this guy for keeping a safe distance from the loony brigade.  In a state where there are more liberals and independents than conservatives, palling up with the neo-cons and fringe fuckers would be like doing tequila shots with your alcoholic uncle at thanksgiving dinner.  

Keep up the good work, Scott. 

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