Thursday, April 1, 2010

Good Christians?

 Sure they are.   And our courts, sadly, are helping them:
The father of a US Marine killed in Iraq in 2006 has been ordered to pay 16,000 dollars to [the Westboro Baptist Church] who organized an anti-gay protest during his son's funeral, an attorney has said.
Depending on your perspective, these asshats may be better than some calling the shots in the Catholic hierarchy right now. 

Nonetheless, my stomach does an extra-special turn whenever I read a story about their "Free Speech" protests at funerals of servicemen and women.  I get that it's all done for the shock factor and buzz generation, yet it's still sickening to me that the soldiers who's funerals they're using as a prop for their piddly cause died while protecting their right to such a protest.

I've got an idea, why not take some of the energy to Vatican City?  If these lunatics are so enraged about homosexuality, shouldn't they be all the more fired up over the Holy See and his army of pedophiles?

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