Friday, April 16, 2010

Another Small Step for Gay Rights

President Obama issued a memo to the Department of Health and Human Services directing them to create an exception to the relatives-only policy for gay couples.   The exception comes in handy for same-sex couples in states where gay marriage is not legally recognized.  

Obama requested that the regulation make clear that any hospital receiving Medicare and Medicaid funding, which includes the vast majority of U.S. hospitals, must allow patients to decide who can visit them and prohibit discrimination based on a variety of characteristics, including sexual orientation and gender identity.
This is another feather in the cap for the gay community, as the memo follows on the heels of Obama's repeal of DADT.  While it doesn't solve all of the problems related to the ban on gay marriage that exist in most states, it's another solid step in affording equality to all.   Kudos. 

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