Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Here we go again...

A Catholic School in Boulder, Colorado has denied re-admission of two children because their parents are a lesbian couple, triggering protests from families of other enrolled children and the GLBT community.   The Archdiocese callously defends the decision, citing unjust pressure on the staff to reconcile the couple's orientation with the teachings of the church.  A quick perusal of the local news comment boards shows a stark contrast of positions on the issue.  Some of which are nauseatingly bigoted and comically misinformed:
9news: You should be ashamed for even giving this story the time of day...what a total farce! To make it the lead story the past day or so is a disgrace! Your bias is shameful!

This is America and the last time I checked a free country. Free to worship your a news flash to all of you intolerant and hate filled homosexual and liberal people: You preach tolerance yet are completely intolerant of those that follow the teaching of the Catholic Church!  Get a life!

That is what public schools are indoctrinate children with your intolerance! The Catholic school has EVERY right to make this decision! Why do you think private and charter schools are so popular? It always amazes me how quick people are to attack the Catholic Church and spew hatred and lies about it.

.I'd like to see these people try this with a Muslim or Jewish organization…

I can assure you 9news would not have covered the story and would have been afraid to do so.
That there exist in this world people who believe it's the gays and liberals who are the ones being intolerant on this issue is almost mind-numbing.   But I digress.  

One has to wonder, first, why this couple would bother to send their kids to this school in the first place, knowing what we do about the church at large.  One argument made on this front says that if the church is allowed to enjoy tax exemptions from the city and state then they also need to stifle their own discriminatory practices that lie in contrast with the laws of said city and state.  I can agree with that, though I'd prefer that such exemptions were abolished completely, paving way for a true separation of church and state, but that's a separate issue. 

The bigger question is how many of the other kids enrolled at this school were born out of wedlock?  Have single parents who are living in sin?   Have divorced and remarried parents? We already know the school accepts children from different faiths.   These families would also be in defiance of the morally upstanding teachings of the Catholic Church, right?   

Says Archbishop Chaput: Nope:
It’s also true that some of our schools exist as a service outreach in largely non-Catholic communities.  Many of our schools also accept students of other faiths and no faith, and from single parent and divorced parent families.  These students are always welcome so long as their parents support the Catholic mission of the school and do not offer a serious counter-witness to that mission in their actions.
The hypocrisy is astounding.

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