Monday, March 22, 2010


A great day for anyone who honestly cares about fixing a broken system that consumes 1/6th of our nation's GDP - honestly being the key term, of course.  A quick glance of the left and right of today's blogosphere highlights that ever-deepening chasm between the two sides, what with their reactions to the Health Care reform bill.   Most interesting is what each side is taking away from the fight and what it says about their true interests. 

Democrats celebrate a victory for the 32M people who will be insured by the plan, the protections for those with pre-existing conditions, and a meaningful first step towards controlling the costs of a system that is clearly unsustainable. 

Republicans are knocking the process and celebrating - prematurely, to be sure - the perceived political fallout of their counterparts. 

Sensing a pattern here?  One side acted on what was and is right; their careers and partisan control be damned.   The other?  Pretty much the exact opposite.  To the right at large, it's not about doing what's right and fixing what's broken, but rather demagoguery and doing whatever it takes to pander to the widest voting bloc in order to regain power by any means possible.  

How's that for honesty?    I imagine this will backfire horribly on the right, as there's a lot of time between now and November and their only hope is that improvements in other areas of the country are overshadowed by their own ugly rhetoric and vile name-calling and propaganda.   

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