Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Catholic Charities: Gays Ruin Benefits for Everyone

On February 1st, the Washington DC Catholic Charities moved to end their foster care programs in a retaliation against the city's new law allowing gay marriage.   Sullivan has commented on the issue at length, asking the question: will Catholic Charities cut benefits for any employees who have divorced and remarried under DC law?  Well, here's your answer, Andrew:
Catholic Charities President and CEO Edward Orzechowski sent a memo out to employees yesterday informing them that spouses’ who have already been enrolled in the health plan would continue to receive care under a grandfather clause, but that new employees or newly married employees would no longer be eligible to obtain coverage for their spouses through Catholic Charities.
The change goes into effect today. The District of Columbia will begin granting marriage licenses to same-sex couples beginning on March 4.
I don't think I'll ever understand how the church reconciles Jesus' teachings of goodwill towards your fellow man with their draconian stance on gay rights.  This latest move to is the political equivalent of the Diocese taking its ball and going home.  Just goes to show, when you think bar is set low, the Catholics somehow manage to go even lower. 

1 comment:

  1. I cant even believe that they can reconcile these actions as being
    " the right way to handle opposition".
