Thursday, March 18, 2010

GOP: Paul Rand is "Not one of us"

Rand Paul, the slightly-less-kooky son of Ron Paul, is making a serious bid at the Kentucky Senate seat in 2010 marking a potentially major first impact from the Tea Party movement (sorry kiddies - and I know this may come as a shock - but the yokel from Alaska doesn't count as a success by any standards.)   One would look at this as a truly positive move for the GOP, a party in dire need of re-branding, right? 

Recognizing the threat, a well-connected former aide to Vice President Dick Cheney convened a conference call last week between Grayson and a group of leading national security conservatives to sound the alarm about Paul.
"On foreign policy, [global war on terror], Gitmo, Afghanistan, Rand Paul is NOT one of us," Cesar Conda wrote in an e-mail to figures such as Liz Cheney, William Kristol, Robert Kagan, Dan Senor and Marc Thiessen.
With an attached memo on Paul's noninterventionist positions, Conda concluded: "It is our hope that you can help us get the word out about Rand Paul's troubling and dangerous views on foreign policy.  [...]

"This guy could become our Republican senator from Kentucky?" he exclaimed. "It's very alarming."
 Yes yes.   Someone who believes in individual rights, State's rights and non-interventionist foreign policy is very alarming indeed.   Man the harpoons!   We've got a live one, Dick!  The hysteria has even gotten to the point that Trey Greyson, his Kentucky GOP opponent, has created a scare-page listing all the horrible things that Rand represents, like being Pro Choice, Pro Marijuana Legalization, Pro Gay Marriage, Anti-Iraq/Afghanistan wars, etc.    (I'll set aside for the moment that Paul is probably big-time against Health Care Reform - hey, no one's perfect!)

And the best hypocrisy, as Reason points out, is that he is Funded By Out of State Libertarians!   Wait, isn't that how Scott Brown got elected?   How the Gay Marriage repeal was denied in Maine?   How all GOP Money Bombs work?  

I guess when there are "no" ideas, morals or leadership in the Party of No, all they have left to stand on are scare tactics and smear campaigns.  And the sorry state of affairs for American politics continues...

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