Friday, February 26, 2010

Those Condescending Elitists

Not that this should come as any surprise, but the Right has already begun their whine-fest from the Health Care Summit.  Apparently because that elitist a-hole Obama comes across so damned smarmy.   I love the give and take between Chait and Poheritz.   Pretty much epitomizes the two sides of this debate:

Earlier I noted of the health care summit that the Republicans in attendance seem to be divided between those who have no data at their disposal and those who have incorrect data. It is therefore difficult for President Obama, who obviously has a deep command of the issue, to engage with those Republicans without somewhat projecting condescension.
John Podhoretz shoots back:
Here’s how. By not being condescending. That’s how.

Never mind facts vs fiction; It's all in the delivery.  I wonder if the right will ever realize how this tactic looks from the outside.  It's plain to see that they're essentially cheerleading ignorance and opposing intelligent thought.

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