Thursday, February 25, 2010

Stay Classy, PETA

The 'net is abuzz with fear and chatter over the death of a Sea World trainer at the, uh, fins of Killer whale, Tillikum, yesterday.   A few different accounts have surfaced already from visitor eyewitnesses to the park itself, and it's probably just a matter of time before a cell phone cam vid finds it way to the public. 

Until then, the forum is open to any and all commentary on the incident so it should come as a shock to nobody at all that a rep from the People for the Ethical Treament of Animals came forward with their own celebration of the killing. 

Jaime Zalac said the organization had called on SeaWorld "to stop confining oceangoing mammals to an area that to them is like the size of a bathtub, and we have also been asking the park to stop forcing the animals to perform silly tricks over and over again. It's not surprising when these huge, smart animals lash out."

Hey, I've been to Sea World and watched a show at that same area.   Probably saw the same killer Killer Whale, too (see what I did there?)  That place is like an enormous fish day spa.   What's lost on these PETA meatheads is that these trainers aren't just carney freaks, they're marine freakin' biologists who love their subjects more than most people love their own kids.   That PETA would come out to cheer this as some sort of freakish payback for making them live in a bathtub is low even for them.  

Stay Classy, PETA

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