Monday, May 3, 2010

Calling All Nerds

I've always been a bit of an astronomy/science geek and find myself on and checking on news from SETI and the like. I've also come to regret not being as well-versed in American history as I'd otherwise prefer to be. These tidbits in mind, to say I've been in my damned glory the last few Sunday nights would be a major freakin' understatement.

Check out the Sunday night Geek-TV schedule:

8pm on Discovery: How the Universe Works

9pm on Discovery: Into the Universe with Stephen Hawking

9pm on History: America - The Story of Us

All three manage to balance telling us things we already know while threading in some new tidbits and angles.  They come with decent production value in the graphic interpretations and re-enactments of events.  And best of all, the great Mike Rowe narrates How The Universe Works.   That guy is the shit.   He could be narrating two hours of me sitting stoned on my couch eating Doritos and I'd be captivated.

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